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Our Community

There are several organisations that support the village of Bramerton, further details can be found on the individual specific pages listed under the “Services and Amenities” main menu.

St Peters Church
Bramerton Sign
Image of a community of people.

General Maintenance


The Parish Council is responsible for general maintenance and upkeep of the village. If you would like to report any issues, please contact the Parish Clerk.


Maintenance of the roads, for example dealing with potholes, is the responsibility of the County Council Highways Department. Please report any issues to the Clerk or report potholes directly via Norfolk County Council's Highways online report form.


Bramerton Parish Council

Report a Problem

Contact Us

1 Meadow Cottages

Gull Lane

Framingham Earl



NR14 7PN

Mrs Yvonne Wonnacott - Parish Clerk

Tel: 01508 493134


Please note that the Parish Clerk works part-time and is contracted for an average 6 hours per week. 


The preferred communication method for enquiries is email, and the Parish Clerk will endeavour to respond within 5 working days. 


The office hours are Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.00pm, excluding Bank Holidays.  Please note correspondence sent to the Parish Clerk may be forwarded onto the full Parish Council and/or to individual members of the Parish Council.



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