Useful Website Links, Contact Numbers and Information
Key contacts for families
There's lots of support available for people at any stage of life. Here are some key contacts to help you and your family;
Just One Number - 0300 300 0123 - For any questions or worries you have about your child
ChatHealth - 07480 635060 - Secure text messaging advice service for 11-19 year olds
Age UK's Advice Line - 0800 678 1602 - Free confidential advice for older people and their families
Norfolk County Council - 0344 800 8020 - To report a safeguarding concern about an adult or child
Leeway refuge services - 0300 561 0077 - 24-hour helpline for victims of domestic abuse
First Response Helpline - 111 (option 2) - For people all ages needing urgent mental health support
Norfolk County Council - Do it online
You can find out about our services, report problems or apply for courses, school places and more at - here are just a few examples;
What is 'right up your street'? - Search for local clubs, activities and services at
Improving your home? Find a trusted trader at
De-cluttering? Find your local recycling centre at
Looking for a new school? Find your child's catchment school or apply for a place at
Want to check for local roadworks?
Has your concessionary bus pass been lost or stolen? Pay for a replacement at
Need help getting out and about?
Need to apply or reapply for a Blue Badge parking permit?
Renewing a library book?
Need to report faulty street lighting?
Found an adult learning course you like? Apply and pay for it online at
Need to report a pothole?
Helpful Contacts
​You can report flooding to the new Norfolk Flooding Hotline on 0344 800 8013. This is your single point of contact for flooding in Norfolk. If you are in immediate danger call 999. You can also report issues caused by flooding in a number of other ways;
The Environment Agency Floodline: 0345 988 1188
National Flood Forum: 01299 403 055 (for independent advice for those who have suffered flooding)
Norfolk County Council Highways: 0344 800 8020
Report a power cut: dial 105
Report a gas leak: 0800 111 999
Report a water leak:
Anglian Water Customers: 0800 771 881​
Essex & Suffolk Water Customers: 0800 526 337
Local Government
Local Information
Post Office Near Me - Find your local post office and post office services
Find your Transport – Norfolk County Council – This tool helps you find out which transport services operate in your area, and how to access them.
Road Works - Norfolk County Council
Highways Verges - Norfolk County Council
Reporting a highways defect - Norfolk County Council
Norfolk Trails – Interactive map - Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County News - Norfolk County Council
Gritting routes - Norfolk County Council
Local Utilities
Gas Emergencies - Cadent
Power Cuts - UK Power Networks
Water Leaks - Anglian Water
Job Information
Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline 0345 4040506
Action Fraud (UK’s National Fraud Office) 0300 1232040
Just one Norfolk – NHS - A new website about children and young people’s health, ages 0-19
Help Hub bulletin – The Help Hub bulletin aims to promote what’s happening and what’s available within South Norfolk and its surrounding areas. It is produced every two weeks and features a wide variety of information appropriate for both residents and professionals.